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Aaron Baker Trained By Mike Mentzer

Aaron Baker Mike Mentzer

Aaron Baker is a name that resonates strongly among bodybuilding enthusiasts and professionals. Known for his incredible physique and dedication to his craft, Baker is widely regarded as one of the most talented bodybuilders of his era. Instrumental in his success was his training under the tutelage of the renowned bodybuilding coach, Mike Mentzer. In this article, we will delve into the life of Aaron Baker, explore his training philosophy, the training split he followed, and the workout routine that helped him achieve greatness.

Aaron Baker: The Bodybuilder

Aaron Baker was born on December 11, 1963, in California, USA. He gained recognition in the late 1980s and early 1990s as a professional bodybuilder. Baker's physique was characterized by his exceptional muscle density, symmetry, and incredible proportions. He competed in prestigious bodybuilding competitions such as Mr. Olympia, where he displayed his exceptional form and placed highly throughout his career.

Training Philosophy under Mike Mentzer

Mike Mentzer, as a mentor and coach, played a critical role in shaping Aaron Baker's approach to bodybuilding. Mentzer was known for his emphasis on high-intensity training and adhering to a scientifically-based approach. Baker adopted Mentzer's philosophy, which focused on training with maximum intensity and ensuring adequate recovery for optimal muscle growth.

High Intesity Training Principles

- Progressive Overload: Baker constantly pushed his boundaries, aiming to lift slightly heavier weights or perform more reps with each workout session.

- High-intensity Training: Intensity was a key focal point for Baker. He aimed to push his muscles to the point of failure while maintaining proper form.

- Controlled Negatives: Baker incorporated slow and controlled eccentric (negative) movements in his exercises, emphasizing the mind-muscle connection.

- Rest and Recovery: Baker understood the importance of rest and recovery as crucial aspects of muscle growth. He ensured adequate rest days and quality sleep.

Aaron Baker's Training Split

Aaron Baker's training split was carefully designed to ensure balanced development of all muscle groups, while also allowing sufficient recovery time. He did two days on/one day off, followed by one day on/two days off. The exact split was as follows:

Day 1: Chest and Back
Day 2: Shoulders and Arms
Day 3: Rest
Day 4: Legs
Day 5: Rest
Day 6: Rest
Day 6: Repeat the cycle

Aaron Baker's Workout Routine

Here is a breakdown of Aaron Baker's shoulder workout that revolved around pre-exhaust supersets and progressive overload, ensuring constant and measurable improvement.

Dumbbell Laterals - 12 to 20 reps
Superset with Dumbbell Press - 12 to 20 reps for 2 supersets

Bent Over Dumbbell Laterals - 12 to 20 reps for 2 sets

Note: Each exercise should be performed with appropriate warm-up sets.

If you have any questions about Mike Mentzer, Heavy Duty, High Intensity Training, Diet, etc. email us and we'll get back to you with an answer as soon as we can.

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