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Mike Mentzer Bicep Peak Workout

Mike Mentzer Bicep Workout

When Mike Mentzer first moved to California, Joe Weider persuaded him to stop concentrating just on building shear size, but to also work on the details of his physique such as increasing his bicpes peak.

Mike didn't stop using his Heavy Duty training system, but he did change up his biceps exercises to ones that would help develop the outer biceps head and also the brachialis muscles.

In order to peak the belly and thicken the lower biceps he did perpendicular precher curls.

For the outer head of the biceps he did hyper-supinated concentration curls.

And for the brachialis he did thumbs curls also called hammer curls.

Mike Mentzer Routine To Increase Bicep Peak

Here is the exact workout Mike Mentzer used to peak his biceps which helped him win the 1978 Mr. Universe with a perfect 300 score.

First he warmed up with a light set of curls.

He then wents directly into a heavy set of preacher curls, the kind where your arms are hanging straight down and his elbows close but his hands spaced wide, with 160 pounds for five or six reps. His second set he lowered the weight to 125 pounds and did higher reps with greater concentration on peak contraction at the top.

He then moved on to the one arm supinating dumbbell concentration curl. He did his first set with 45 pounds and at the top twisted his wrist past the supinated position until the inside plates touched his front deltoid, he would then lean forward and squeeze the biceps and hold that contraction for for as much as three seconds. For his second set he dropped back to 35 pounds and did as many reps as he could in perfect form.

Just 4 sets super intense sets for biceps was all he did.

He finished with two sets of alternating hammer curls. He would do his first set with 60 pound dumbbells for seven or eight strict reps, then he would loosen up his form and do about three more cheat reps. On his second set of thumbs up curls he lowered the weight to 50 pounds and did another set in the same manner as the first.

After two sets for his brachialis muscles his biceps peaking workout was complete.

He did this workout twice a week along with posing practice including hard flexing of his biceps particularly the outer head.

If you have any questions about Mike Mentzer, Heavy Duty, High Intensity Training, Diet, etc. email us and we'll get back to you with an answer as soon as we can.

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