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Mike Mentzer Bodyweight Training Workout

Mike Mentzer Bodyweight Calisthenics

Mike Mentzer was an influential figure in the world of bodybuilding and fitness during the 1970s and 1980s. He was known for his unique approach to training, emphasizing intensity and efficiency to maximize muscle growth and strength.

In this article, we will delve into applying Mike Mentzer's training principles to calisthenics, and give you a sample Mike Mentzer bodyweight workout routine that you can use when you can't get to a gym.

The Philosophy of Mike Mentzer's Training

Mike Mentzer's training philosophy focused on the principles of high intensity and minimalism. He believed in training at the highest possible intensity without overtraining or inducing excessive fatigue.

You can apply Mike Mentzer's principle of intensity to bodyweight exercises by employing techniques such as slow and controlled movements, using strict form, and maintaining constant tension on the muscles. By incorporating these factors, allowing for intense muscular contractions without the need for heavy weights or specialized equipment, you can ensure that your muscles worked to their maximum potential, resulting in superior muscle growth and strength gains.

Mike Mentzer's Bodyweight Exercises

Mike Mentzer Dips

Dips are an effective bodyweight exercise that targets the chest, shoulders, and triceps. Mentzer advocated for using proper form, which involves leaning forward slightly to focus more on the chest muscles. Performing dips with a controlled tempo and emphasizing the mind-muscle connection will further enhance the benefits.

Mike Mentzer Chin-Ups

Chin-ups are a powerful exercise engaging the back, biceps, and shoulders. For maximum intensity, Mentzer suggested performing the exercise with a slow eccentric (lowering) phase and a powerful concentric (pulling) phase, focusing on squeezing the muscles at the top of each repetition. Variations like wide grip or close grip chin-ups can be used to target specific muscle groups.

Mike Mentzer Squats

Despite his focus on bodyweight exercises, Mentzer recognized the value of squats for lower body development. Squats engage multiple muscle groups, including the quadriceps, hamstrings, glutes, and core. To increase intensity, Mentzer recommended performing squats with slow and controlled movements, going as deep as possible while ensuring proper form and posture.

Mike Mentzer Sit-Ups

Sit-ups are an effective exercise to target the abdominal muscles. However, Mentzer emphasized the importance of performing them with the least range of motion possible, focusing on the contraction of the abdominal muscles rather than the full sit-up motion. By maintaining constant tension while performing sit-ups, one can maximize the intensity and effectiveness of the exercise.

Developing a Mike Mentzer Bodyweight Workout Routine


Before starting any workout, Mentzer stressed the importance of properly warming up the muscles and joints. This helps prevent injuries and prepares the body for the upcoming intense exercises.

Workout Structure

A bodyweight training routine inspired by Mentzer's philosophy can include a combination of dips, chin-ups, squats, and sit-ups. It can be structured using super-sets, or performed in circuit format, allowing minimum rest between exercises to maintain intensity.

Sets, Repetitions, and Progression

For optimal muscle development and strength gains, Mentzer recommended performing each exercise for only one set to momentary muscular failure. This means completing as many reps as possible with strict form until reaching the point where performing another rep becomes impossible. As strength and endurance improve, one can gradually increase the number of repetitions.

Frequency and Rest

Mentzer recommended allowing ample rest and recovery time. Depending on individual preferences and goals, bodyweight workouts can be performed 2-3 times per week, allowing at least 1-2 days of rest between sessions to ensure optimal recovery and gains.


Applying Mike Mentzer's training approach to bodyweight training offers a unique and impactful way to achieve strength and muscle development without solely relying on heavy weights. By focusing on intensity, proper form, and muscle engagement with calisthenic exercises, you unlock your full potential and transform your physique with intensity and efficiency.

If you have any questions about Mike Mentzer, Heavy Duty, High Intensity Training, Diet, etc. email us and we'll get back to you with an answer as soon as we can.

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