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Mike Mentzer Weight Loss

Mike Mentzer Diet

Mike Mentzer Weight Loss Diet for Bodybuilders

Bodybuilding is not just a simple workout routine; it is a way of life. To become a successful bodybuilder, it is important to have a good diet and know the right techniques to lose weight and build muscle mass. Mike Mentzer, a professional bodybuilder, is a perfect example of a successful bodybuilder who has achieved success by following a the right diet and workout routine. In this article, we will discuss in detail the Mike Mentzer weight loss diet for bodybuilders.

Introduction to Mike Mentzer

Mike Mentzer was a renowned American professional bodybuilder who won several bodybuilding championships throughout his career. He was born in Pennsylvania in 1951 and started bodybuilding at the age of 12. He was a student of Arthur Jones, the founder of Nautilus, and followed his high intensity training principles throughout his career. Mike Mentzer believed in intensity over volume, which means that he placed more emphasis on the quality of the workout rather than the quantity. He believed that a short, high-intensity workout with proper form and technique is more effective than a long workout with mediocre effort.

Mike Mentzer Diet Plan


To lose weight, it is important to maintain a calorie deficit, which means that you burn more calories than you consume.

A low-calorie diet is a type of diet that restricts calorie intake while providing enough nutrients to sustain energy. A low-calorie diet can help you lose weight and improve your overall health. However, when combined with workout routines, a low-calorie diet can be an effective way to achieve bodybuilding goals.

Mike Mentzer said "Reducing body fat can be done safely (without losing muscle), simply, methodically and in a predictable fashion so that the individual achieves his goal on a predetermined date. The process begins by establishing one's present maintenance level of calories. This can be accomplished by keeping a five-day food diary wherein you record everything you eat, including the quantity, for that period. At the end of each day, sit down with a good calorie-counting book and tally the total calories for that day. On the fifth day, take the five daily totals, add them up for a grand total, divide by five, and you'll have your daily average calorie intake. If you didn't gain or lose weight over that five day period, your daily average calorie intake will also represent your daily maintenance level of calories. Once you've established your daily maintenance level of calories, reduce your food intake so that you are 500 calories below maintenance. Since there are 3500 calories in a pound of fat, a 500 calorie daily deficit will lead invariably to a loss of one pound of fat a week. Over a period of time, as you continue to lose weight, your maintenance level of calories will go down, and weight loss will slow down or come to a halt. When this happens, reduce your calories another 500 or so and the weight-fat loss will proceed."

Macronutrient Ratio

The 60 25 15 diet, also known as the macronutrient diet, is a type of eating plan that focuses on the proportions of macronutrients in a person's daily diet. Macrnoautrients refer to the three main types of nutrients that our bodies need for optimal health and energy: carbohydrates, proteins, and fats. As the name suggests, the 60 25 15 diet aims for 60% of daily calories to come from carbohydrates, 25% from proteins, and 15% from fats.

Mike Mentzer said "No matter what our daily caloric intake happens to be, it is important that we fill our diet budgets wisely. Many reputable nutrition scientists, along with the Senate Subcommitee on Nutrition, recommend our daily intake be comprised of 60% carbohydrate, 25% protein and 15% fat."

This eating plan has gained a lot of popularity in recent years due to its simple yet effective approach to achieving and maintaining an ideal body weight. The idea behind this eating plan is that by maintaining the proper balance of macronutrients, we can experience various health benefits, including weight loss, improved energy, and overall better health.

For those looking to try this diet, the first step is to determine their daily caloric needs. Once daily caloric needs have been determined, the next step is to calculate the macronutrient breakdown. For example, if someone needs 2,000 calories per day, their daily macronutrient intake would look something like this:

- Carbohydrates: 1,200 calories (60% of 2,000)

- Proteins: 500 calories (25% of 2,000)

- Fats: 300 calories (15% of 2,000)


In conclusion, Mike Mentzer's weight loss diet is a perfect example of a healthy and effective diet for bodybuilders. By following a reduced calorie, high-carbohydrate, moderate-protein diet with a low amount of healthy fats, bodybuilders can achieve weight loss while maintaining or even building muscle mass. With the right diet and workout routine, you can achieve success in building a body you can be proud of just like Mike Mentzer did.

If you have any questions about Mike Mentzer, Heavy Duty, High Intensity Training, Diet, etc. email us and we'll get back to you with an answer as soon as we can.

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